شهيد يوم عرفه
الشيخ محمد علي دعقين استشهد اليوم الاربعاء 23/ 9/ 2015م
في الضربة الجوية على كبري شرس .
اللهم ارحمه رحمة الابرار والهم اهله وذويه الصبر والسلوان .
الشيخ محمد علي دعقين استشهد اليوم الاربعاء 23/ 9/ 2015م
في الضربة الجوية على كبري شرس .
اللهم ارحمه رحمة الابرار والهم اهله وذويه الصبر والسلوان .
While these children are preparing for Eid and looking for the day of wearing Eid clothes and sharing thier family and friends the joy of Eid, a plane came and took away thier father's soul to heaven. This is the case with hundred thousands of Yemeni children on this Eid. The childern who were buried under their houses destruction along with their families are more lucky than the one who will have ti suffer the horror of kill and the lose of their dear family members.
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